a word from the pastor

A Friend of God

I recently brought a message from John 15 where Jesus referred to his disciples as friends. Afterwards someone mentioned to me that they had always had a difficult time thinking of God in terms of friendship. To them it seemed too casual. Indeed, perceiving God in superficial ways is definitely s...
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Remaking the World: How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West by Andrew Wilson, Published by Crossway, 2023 If you’re a history buff like me, Andrew Wilson’s “Remaking the World” is well worth your time. Teaching pastor at King’s Church London, Wilson combines his historical and theological ex...
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“For the Bible tells me so…”

Famous atheist Richard Dawkins in his book, The God Delusion, argues that science proves things by an appeal to evidence, whereas faith is simply “blind trust, in the absence of evidence." I recently heard him say in a debate that if you have evidence, there is no need for faith. Such a statement...
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Differences in Interpretation

One of the arguments against Christianity is the conflicting interpretations of the Bible within the church itself. They reason that if Christians cannot agree on what the Bible means why should they even bother trying to figure it out. It seems a fair question but actually reveals an intellectua...
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Preference or Truth?

Orthodox Christianity declares that the Bible is the Word of God and is the standard of truth. Such a statement doesn’t sit well with a generation conditioned to believe truth is relative. So the question we need to ask ourselves is whether the truth we believe is objective or merely preferenence...
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Frugal or Faithful?

If you’re involved in grocery shopping for your family, you’ve probably noticed the price increases in food over the last few years. Inflation has had worldwide impact on prices, and in America, average lifestyle costs have increased 100 percent since 1990. The response to rising costs is varied ...
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The Danger of Legalism

“And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” Colossians 2:10 It is ever a caution to us that Jesus’ main opponents were religious people. It’s as tragic as it is ironic that those thought to be the most holy in Israel, the scribes and Pharisees, ended up hating...
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Go Tell It on the Mountain

John Wesley Work, Jr. originally published “Go Tell It on the Mountain”, but it is not known whether he wrote the African-American spiritual or if it came down to him through oral tradition. One thing is clear: the Lord certainly intended the birth of his Son to be known since He announced it wit...
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Before You Read Your Bible

The best way to prepare for your day is to start with time spent with the Lord, in his Word and in prayer. But even this requires preparation--preparation of the heart. Now, I’m assuming every mature believer is in the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer. If you don’t practice this, it’s time...
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Behind Enemy Lines - Part 2

Last week my subject involved spiritual warfare to remind us how we as Christians in this world are in enemy territory. “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19) The New Testament calls us to vigilance as we seek to fight the good fight of faith and stand against the sche...
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