a word from the pastor

The Lord’s Church is in Good Hands

As a pastor, I hear (and often make) negative comments about the church in America today. It’s easy to focus on our failings to the neglect of seeing the wonderful work God is doing through his people. And while there are some definite concerns about churches in general, I want to say with great ...
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Living in the Real World

Suppose you could travel to one of the most remote areas of the world and find a tribesman who had never known anything but life in the jungle, without any knowledge of the modern world or its contrivances. Suppose you took him to one of America’s large cities and left him to fend for himself. Yo...
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Ashamed of Jesus?

It’s Missions Emphasis month at Faith Family Church; a time when we purposely emphasize our obligation to worldwide evangelization. It’s not just about supporting those who take the gospel to other countries, but also about our responsibility to be witnesses for Christ. The Bible is clear that al...
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The College Dilemma

Has the time come, or is it on the horizon, when Christian parents should not send their children to secular colleges and universities? Admittedly, there are arguments among believers on both sides of this issue. At the risk of sounding like a patriarchal tyrannist, I still believe parents have a...
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The “Misplaced Adventure” of John Allen Chau

American John Allen Chau, 27, was killed on November 17 in his attempt to take the gospel to a small and remote tribe of people living on one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Both The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times quoted Indian police chief Dependra Pathak as saying the d...
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Trigger Warnings and Safe Zones

In a recent World Magazine interview, Jeff Meyers, president of Summit Ministries (which trains Christian students to think and act biblically) provided generational guidance for those in positions of leadership. Meyers explained that the younger generation has “trigger warnings” because they’re ...
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Getting Past "Born This Way"

In the past, the LGBTQ community has insisted that homosexuals are born gay. In other words, it was not something they chose but rather it’s who they are. Some even proclaim that God made them that way. This idea seems to have served two purposes; avoiding personal responsibility and gaining poli...
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The Religion of Crossfit

It should come as no surprise that, as society becomes increasingly secular, church affiliation continues to decline. What may be surprising, however, is how people are now filling the life space that used to be reserved for God and his church. A New York Times piece by Mark Oppenheimer reveals t...
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Of Borders and Bans

The clarion cries for the abolishment of ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement), the latest Supreme Court ruling on President Trump’s travel ban, and the recent border crisis reveal just how difficult the issue immigration is to decipher. How are we as Christians to perceive the immigrati...
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South Africa Missions Recap

I was able to get this pic of a Sable antelope on my phone just as we were leaving Kruger As much as we enjoyed our time in South Africa, we are grateful to be back home. The only problem with South Africa is getting there. It’s a long, somewhat arduous, and expensive journey, but the experie...
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