a word from the pastor

The Platform of Pain: A Devotional

Before he closed his second letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul shared his experience of being on trial for his life before the Roman authorities. He noted that “at his first defense no one came to stand by me.” (2 Timothy 4:16) In that judicial system, a preliminary hearing known as the “prima a...
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Ending Your Guilt Trip

As human beings made in the image of God, we are emotional creatures. God gave us emotions so that we might enjoy and glorify him, knowing joy, peace, hope, and love by being properly related to him. Negative emotions are not bad when they remind us that our relationship with God is not what it s...
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America’s Real Poverty

It’s no coincidence that the more secular society grows with its devotion to autonomy the more isolation and loneliness increase. An article in Men’s Health magazine by Christa Sgobba stated that “the rise in self-centeredness also predicted further jumps in loneliness, suggesting a cycle between...
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Where’s Your Passion?

What are you most passionate about? Merriam-Webster defines passion as “intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction.” For Christians, our greatest passion, our “overmastering feeling or conviction” should be centered in knowing and loving the God we call Father. Yet the world is fill...
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Beating the Christmas Blues

For many people Christmas is not “merry” at all, but lonely, sad and often painful. For them, the carols, parties and greetings have lost their meaning. Whether attributed to SAD (seasonal affective disorder), difficult circumstances or relational problems, about 10% of Americans struggle with so...
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The Cure for Fear and Anxiety

When the Cold War ended in the late 1980s, and with the threat of nuclear war in the rear-view mirror, American optimism about the future began to rise. The 20th century seemed poised to end on a high note. That is, until the Y2K scare led to “Doomsday Preppers”, militia groups, and religious fan...
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Handling Covid-19

Last Sunday one of our elders at Faith Family Church exhorted us to unite amid a crisis that is causing strife and division among the Lord’s people. He mentioned how the devil wants us to focus on our differences and allow those differences to define us and shape how we see others. Such divisiven...
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The Most Misunderstood Emotion

One of life’s most painful and misunderstood emotions is guilt. In my forty plus years of ministry I’ve witnessed the devastating impact it can inflict on one’s life, emotionally and spiritually. Guilt, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. If you’re struggling with guilt, here’s how to unders...
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What We Deserve

“The grace of God is His active favor which bestows the greatest benefit upon those who deserve the greatest punishment.” -J.I. Packer I shall never forget a conversation I had a few years back with a dear friend as we were catching some rays beside the pool on a beautiful day. In a feeble att...
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Ending Your Guilt Trip

“Nothing could be more dangerous than to permit our emotions to rule our destinies. To do so is to be cast adrift in the path of life’s storms.” Dr. James Dobson My ministerial experience has taught me that the emotion of guilt is very destructive. It’s destructive to your spiritual life, your...
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