a word from the pastor

Can You Handle It?

Have you ever faced a problem or a conflict and thought, “I can handle this?” Or maybe, “I can’t handle this?” We’ve all been there. Problems and conflicts in life are inevitable and it requires great wisdom to navigate those difficulties. Especially when it comes to raising teenagers. The Bible ...
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My last two posts concerned the role of fathers “walking point” for their families in enemy territory. Today, I'm adding a third danger that dads need to avoid to keep their loved ones safe from Satan’s snares: procrastination--or putting off making time for your kids. Contrary to what many da...
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Last week I began a series on the pitfalls husbands and fathers must avoid if they are going to safely lead their families through the enemy territory of this present culture. The first was alienation of affection. This week, I'm focusing on the danger of emasculation. We have witnessed a trag...
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Walking Point

In military terminology the “point man” is the soldier who is out front, leading his men through enemy territory. The safety of those following depends on his awareness of the environment, his alertness, his keen eyesight, and caution. He knows the lives of his men are at risk because of the unex...
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Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Snowflakes

Back in the mid 70s, Ed Bruce and his wife Patsy co-wrote and recorded a country song entitled “Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys.” It’s time somebody wrote a similar song about snowflakes. The term “snowflake” derives from Chuck Palahniuk’s 1996 book Fight Club. The exact quote ...
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Parental Warning

Warning: Social Media can be harmful to the mental and physical health of your children. It may be time to make the above warning mandatory on every purchase of a smartphone. Writing for World Magazine, Mary Jackson reveals how smartphone addictions are “metastasizing into a mental health pand...
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Challenge to Fathers: Be a Hero

One of the great tragedies in American society is the absent father. The greatest fall-out of broken and failed marriages is its devastating impact on children. So this Father’s Day I want to put forth a challenge to men who are fathers or who plan to be one day. When children are small dad is th...
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Have the Conversation

Much has been reported on the mass exodus of today’s youth from the church. According to Lifeway Research: “Two-thirds (66 percent) of American young adults who attended a Protestant church regularly for at least a year as a teenager say they also dropped out for at least a year between the ages ...
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Identifying the Rebel

In my last blog I discussed the danger of going our own way, and how we need to recognize the propensity for evil that is in all of us. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. used to say, “Any sin any sinner ever committed, every sinner under proper provocation could commit.” But today I want to talk about your kids...
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The Truth About Gender

The great divide between people on either side of the transgender debate is conflicting authority. The current secular worldview and the Christian worldview are polar opposites in terms of authority. Ultimately, the heart of the issue is who has the right to tell me what is right or wrong, or how...
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