Sociologists are now saying what Christians have known all along: Children and communities are more likely to flourish when marriage is valued and protected. Psychologists have done studies to ascertain what makes marriages succeed and what makes them fail. Data collected indicated certain harbin...
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Marriage, in its most practical sense, is two sinners facing together life's challenges, storms and changes, and learning to walk that path in unity. Seriously, you knew she was a sinner when you married her, right? And she knew the same about you. In other words, no marriage is perfect, and they...
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You would expect the head of a company or corporation to be highly knowledgeable about the business over which he presides. The same should be true of the family. God created the family to function under the headship of a husband, and anything less is dysfunctional. Therefore, Christian men espec...
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In my years of pre-marital counseling one thing I discuss with the couple planning to marry is truth-telling. Even though we yearn for authentic relationships built on integrity and openness, the truth is, we’re sometimes deceptive and less than honest. Dr. Leonard Keilor invented the polygraph, ...
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Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)
Given the plethora of resources available about love, sex, and marriage, it is a sad...
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MarketWatch, a website that provides financial information for investors, reported that the number one predictor of divorce is arguing with your spouse over finances. This is especially true if the tension builds early in the marriage. Writing for MarketWatch, Catey Hill noted that couples fight ...
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Martin Luther, the great reformer, was a bull-in-a-China-shop type of guy. His enemies referred to him as the “fox arisen seeking to destroy the vineyard,” and “the wild boar of the forest.” A man of great courage and conviction, Luther refused to compromise his conscience even at the cost of...
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Faith Family Church is hosting a marriage seminar this weekend, and I’m wondering if the couples who need it the most won’t be there. In over 40 years of ministry, I’ve observed that men who enjoy healthy and happy marriages are more likely to attend marriage seminars than those who don’t. So, al...
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The first time I read about Intimacy Anorexia (IA), I was completely unaware of how prevalent it is across America, and apparently, it’s not uncommon even among Christians. IA is the result of a spouse deliberately withholding sexual intimacy from the other spouse. While such an aberration of bib...
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I tell couples in pre-marital counseling that one of the keys to successful marriage is maintaining a forgiving spirit. Nobody’s perfect, and sadly, we often hurt the person we love the most. It may not be intentional, but it is inevitable when two people live together.
While I recently wrote...
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