a word from the pastor


My last two posts concerned the role of fathers “walking point” for their families in enemy territory. Today, I'm adding a third danger that dads need to avoid to keep their loved ones safe from Satan’s snares: procrastination--or putting off making time for your kids. Contrary to what many da...
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Last week I began a series on the pitfalls husbands and fathers must avoid if they are going to safely lead their families through the enemy territory of this present culture. The first was alienation of affection. This week, I'm focusing on the danger of emasculation. We have witnessed a trag...
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Walking Point

In military terminology the “point man” is the soldier who is out front, leading his men through enemy territory. The safety of those following depends on his awareness of the environment, his alertness, his keen eyesight, and caution. He knows the lives of his men are at risk because of the unex...
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Developing Your Leadership Skills

Some people say leaders are born while others insist they’re made. I think it’s both. Some are born with the temperament, aptitude and physical qualities that make them natural leaders. Others become leaders through discipline, hard work and sometimes necessity, shaping their skills through educa...
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Parable of the Prodigal Father

I believe the looming presidential election will have a significant impact on the direction of our country. I also believe that, as a father, grandfather and pastor, our country’s greatest need will not be resolved by politicians—but by everyday men who lead their families in the paths of righteo...
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MEN’S LIVES MATTER (The Red Pill film review)

Last week I sat down with my wife to watch a documentary by feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye entitled, The Red Pill. The film chronicles Jaye’s attempt to expose the Men’s Rights Movement (MRM), which she initially heard was a misogynistic hate group determined to turn back the clock on women’s rig...
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Leading Boys to Manhood

If you are a dad with young sons, I’ve got a question for you: How will you lead them to manhood? Do you have a plan? Ok, that’s two questions, but seriously, have you thought about intentionally leading those little guys to biblical manhood? Our present culture has a distorted perception of what...
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Be Famous in Your World

Each year, in their last publication, World Magazine list the deaths of famous people in the past year. In 2019, World listed 153 people who, for various reasons, left their mark on this world. Going through the list, I counted about 40 names with which I was familiar. Pondering the inevitable fa...
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Gender Spaces within the Church

In a New York Times article, Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant reported that women who speak out in professional settings are “walking a tightrope.” According to their research, when a woman speaks, “Either she’s barely heard, or she’s judged as too aggressive. When a man says virtually the same thi...
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Integrity Check

Do you consider yourself a man of integrity? Can you say with confidence that your character exemplifies Christian beliefs and values? In recent days, well-known Christian leaders have been forced to step down from their ministries due to alleged moral failures. Perhaps it’s time to do your own i...
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