The great divide between people on either side of the transgender debate is conflicting authority. The current secular worldview and the Christian worldview are polar opposites in terms of authority. Ultimately, the heart of the issue is who has the right to tell me what is right or wrong, or how...
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“Deconstruction” has become a prevalent word in evangelical circles. As of February, there were almost 300,000 Instagram posts with the hashtag “#deconstruction”—many of them referring to the Christian faith. However, the term “deconstruction” has such a wide range of meanings, it must be underst...
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As a kid, I dreaded daddy’s coming home from work every day. He usually arrived tired and irritable, and my siblings and I learned the hard way to steer clear. However, even on days when he wasn’t worn out or in a bad mood, he wasn’t present in the sense of engaging with his children. He would be...
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Whenever I’m asked advice about parenting, I get a little nervous. I’m not exactly sure why, but I think it’s because deep down I know children come with no guarantees. God’s Word supplies us with principles and commands for raising kids, but in the end, every child is an individual who may or ma...
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In ancient Greco-Roman culture, children remained under the care and control of a “pedagogue” until the time set by their father. (Galatians 4:2) For boys, it usually took place in their late teens and meant assuming the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. Jewish boys had their “bar mit...
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Winston Churchill was once invited to a meal at a private home. When he took a seat alongside the table, the horrified hostess, gesturing to the empty seat at the head of the table said, “Sir, your seat is at the head of the table.”
“Madam,” replied Churchill, “wherever I sit is the head of th...
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Think of the following not as you typical movie review—but more of a plea to parents to be on high alert regarding their children’s social media interaction. If you’re a dad, I recommend you watch “The Social Dilemma,” a Netflix docudrama by Jeff Orlowski that reveals the incredible, intentional ...
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Recently, I came across a story of a woman whose daughter experienced what’s known as “sudden onset gender dysphoria” (SOGD). In her early teens, the girl decided she would be much happier as a boy. If her mom had followed the world’s protocol in such matters, we know how the story would have unf...
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I believe the looming presidential election will have a significant impact on the direction of our country. I also believe that, as a father, grandfather and pastor, our country’s greatest need will not be resolved by politicians—but by everyday men who lead their families in the paths of righteo...
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Last week I sat down with my wife to watch a documentary by feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye entitled, The Red Pill. The film chronicles Jaye’s attempt to expose the Men’s Rights Movement (MRM), which she initially heard was a misogynistic hate group determined to turn back the clock on women’s rig...
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