a word from the pastor

Numbering Your Days

As a part of our worship, our church focuses on a Psalm each month, combining it with a song to reinforce the truth of it in our minds. In March, we’re reciting Psalm 90, a prayer of Moses in which he recounts the brevity of life and encourages us to “number our days that we may gain a heart of w...
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The Importance of Staying Fit

Having recently recovered from a lengthy illness I’m in the process of getting back into regular workouts and making better food choices. Thus far, the greatest challenge has been motivation. In fact, writing this blog is part of confronting that challenge. By encouraging others to be physically ...
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Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

The first nine chapters of Proverbs are basically a challenge to pursue wisdom, the key that unlocks the door to every problem we face in life. The wings of wisdom will lift you above the burdens that often weigh us down. It is the compass that keeps us on course when the winds of adversity blow....
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Time is a Stewardship

In Luke 13, our Lord Jesus told a parable about a fig tree that consistently failed to bear fruit. Frustrated, the vineyard's owner instructed the vineyard's keeper to cut the fig tree down. However, the keeper asked if he might give it another year to work and fertilize the soil around it. If it...
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Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s

It’s tax season and as of today you have until April 18 to file or obtain an extension. For Christians, paying taxes is something we do because we’re instructed to do so in Scripture. The Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Rome: “For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are...
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