Taking Up the Cross Daily – Part 2

The Practical Side - To help you put this principle of taking up your cross daily into practice, I would advise three practical things you can do every day.

The Practical Side

To help you put this principle of taking up your cross daily into practice, I would advise three practical things you can do every day. I’ll share some of what I do but please don’t think you must follow my process. I just want to encourage you in your own spiritual journey.

1. Daily Quiet Time.

The first thing I do every morning is make coffee. Then, I go to the same spot in my home and spend time in Bible reading and prayer. For years now, I have also journaled. I have several lined journals filled with thoughts about scripture passages I’ve read and various things that have been on my heart. I don’t know why but I also keep track of the daily temperature and weather. I know…weird.

After following my Bible reading guide, I spend time in prayer and go through a list that has now become permanently etched on the wall of my memory. As you pray, you may notice how your mind wanders and it becomes difficult to concentrate. It may help to start quoting some scripture verses, which hopefully you’ve memorized. At such times I often quote the Lord’s prayer slowly, thinking about each word and phrase. This has a way of helping me enter deeper, more contemplative prayer.

Finally, ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit, surrendering control of your life completely to him. Ask in faith, believing he will do it. And don’t expect some ethereal, emotional experience but merely accept his power in your life by faith.

2. Radical Obedience.

As you begin your day in this way you will soon encounter conflict. At this point you may also experience the Spirit prompting you to do something that the flesh will resist. You must decide to obey the Spirit’s leading no matter the cost. That’s what I mean by radical obedience. For example, the Holy Spirit may prompt you to ask your wife to forgive you for something you recently said or did. Your sinful pride may resist, but as you humble yourself to do the Lord’s will, you’ll find a wonderful sense of peace and joy.

As you begin your day in this way you will soon encounter conflict. You must decide to obey the Spirit’s leading no matter the cost.

3. Continual Repentance.

Finally, prepare yourself for failure because we all do. What’s important is living in continual repentance. You will know when you’ve grieved the Spirit or thought or acted contrary to God’s will. Immediately pray for forgiveness and ask God to strengthen you against temptation. The great Charles Spurgeon once paused in the middle of a busy London street to pray. When an observer asked him about it he replied that a cloud had come between him and the Savior and he didn’t want to wait till he crossed the road to dispel through confession. That’s a great example of continual repentance.

I pray these brief thoughts will challenge and encourage you toward the cross life. Taking up your cross daily leads to the abundant life our Lord promised (John 10:10). If you fall, and you will, get back up and keep going. Make these simple steps a daily practice. Remember, it’s not about Lent, it’s about the Lord; pleasing him by faithfully following in his steps.

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