The Power to Persist in Pandemic


Teaching through Paul’s letters to his young protégé Timothy has reminded me just how relevant the Word of God is to every situation we might face in this life, even pandemic. One verse in particular that speaks to our current crisis is 2 Timothy 1:7. Encouraging the young pastor in Ephesus, Paul wrote, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

How is that relevant for such times as this? For one thing, we do not succumb to fear. The word “fear” in this verse refers to cowardice, that shameful fear which folds under pressure. In Timothy’s case, it meant pressure from those in Ephesus who sought to intimidate and bully him, to silence him from speaking out against their disobedience and false teaching.

To carry on in spite of that opposition, Paul reminds this young pastor that God has already provided the resources he needs to stand firm and fulfill his ministry. Those resources, provided by the Holy Spirit who indwells every believer, are especially needed in these unprecedented times. (cf. Romans 8:9)

1. Displaying Power

The Greek word for power in this verse is “dunamis” from which we get our words dynamic and dynamite. It denotes the energy and ability to be productive Christians, as God has given us the power to accomplish His purposes. Whatever you’re supposed to do as an obedient Christian, you can do by the power of the Spirit working in and through you. We do not live in fear, nor is our Christian life hindered or less effective because of the virus, or anything connected to it.

For many believers, the pandemic has been a spiritual wake-up call. Men have become more aware of their need to practice personal holiness and their responsibility to lead their families spiritually. Those who have become slack in their devotion to Christ need to understand that the coronavirus doesn’t grant them an excuse to be spiritually lazy. Everything you ought to be doing, you have the ability to do by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is my prayer that you will experience God’s power working in your life throughout this crisis.

2. Displaying Love

While the coronavirus has considerably altered our lives, it should not have the power to quench our love for God and others. Unfortunately, many Christians appear at odds by their responses to the virus. World Magazine recently published an article entitled, “The COVID-19 Chasm,” about how the pandemic is dividing Christians. While it is understandable as we’re dealing with potential life and death situations, we need to remember that division among Christians grieves the Spirit of God. The Bible exhorts us to “be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3) Anger and frustration with fellow believers over how they respond to this crisis is rooted in a carnal mindset that will only further divide the church. Love is always a measurement of our devotion to Christ, and according to 1 Corinthians 13, the love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit will “endure all things,” even COVID-19.

Anger and frustration with fellow believers over how they respond to this crisis is rooted in a carnal mindset that will only further divide the church.

3. Displaying Self-Control

The word for “self-control” in 2 Timothy 1:7 appears nowhere else in the New Testament. It has the idea of ordering your life and mastering your circumstances—instead of being controlled by them. Whatever happens, you have the ability through the Holy Spirit to use those situations to advance God’s kingdom. For example, Paul used his prison time to write letters that continue to impact the church today. He told the Philippians that what had happened to him had “served to advance the gospel.” (Philippians 1:12)

Persevering in pandemic means we find new ways to serve God and others. Our goal at Faith Family Church is to love God and others, honor our government as much as possible, strive to protect our members’ physical and spiritual health, while maintaining our testimony before our community. This has already required some major adjustments and will require more as we prepare for a return to Children’s Ministry in September.

It is my prayer that each of us will take advantage of the divine resources at our disposal by surrendering our hearts daily to the Spirit’s control. By the grace of God, may we experience the power, love, and self-control to persevere in pandemic.

God has provided the believer with the best resources to persist in pandemic.