Three Keys to Cultivate Godly Faithfulness


When we speak of faithfulness, we’re talking about loyalty to one’s commitments, being true to your word, and keeping your promises. Life’s greatest commitment is the one a person makes to follow Jesus; therefore, the highest priority must be faithfulness to him. All other commitments stand or fall depending on our loyalty to Christ. For example, your commitment to be a godly spouse is directly related to your commitment to welcome and obey the biblical teachings about marriage.

Because our sin pushes us to be self-centered, and we are increasingly surrounded by a culture that urges us to be true only to self, we must purposely cultivate faithfulness to Jesus. So, what do we need to accomplish that?

1. A Biblical Christology

A biblical Christology simply means having a clear understanding of the person of Christ. It means keeping our heart’s focus on him who is not only our Lord and Savior but our ultimate example. Achieving this focus requires daily reading of and meditating on God’s Word, spending time in prayer, and living in daily obedience.

Our private life should include reading sound theological works that will shape and deepen our perspective of the Son of God. George Guthrie writes, “True, unflagging Christ-followers focus their purpose and perspective on the apostle and high priest whom we confess—Jesus himself.”

If you are struggling with faithfulness in any area of your life right now, consider how clearly you see Jesus. Your failures and frustrations must always be addressed first by seeking him.

2. Obedience to the Unenforceable

It’s one thing to conform to rules outwardly; it’s another to obey from the heart. This means doing right just because it’s what God wants you to do. It may go unnoticed and unappreciated, but you do it anyway because you know it pleases the Lord. The apostle Paul wrote: “But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed.” (Romans 6:17)

The issue here goes to motivation. Some obey because they like the reputation it garners them. Others obey through routine, without thinking, having been conditioned to certain behaviors. As Christians, we should consciously act in accordance with God’s will.

George MacDonald, the famous puritan pastor wrote: “Faithfulness is that which, knowing the Lord’s will, goes and does it, or, not knowing it, stands and waits. But to put God to the question in any other way than by saying, ‘what wilt thou have me to do?’ is an attempt to compel God to declare himself.”

In other words, if we’re not purposely obeying from our hearts, we’re basically putting God to the test and saying, “what will God do if I do this?”

3. A Community of Faith

Your involvement with a local body of believers is essential in cultivating faithfulness. John Piper once said, “Eternal security is a community project.” What he meant was there’s nothing like the give-and-take of believers within the community of faith to encourage perseverance. You need the body, the body needs you, and God needs you in the body.

How often men slide into discouragement through a lack of spiritual interaction with other men. We need the encouragement, affirmation, and admonition of our Christian brothers. This will not happen by accident and it’s often difficult. To see a brother drifting in the wrong direction or even losing his faith requires courage to speak the truth in love. As members of the body of Christ we are called to care for one another in such ways.

“It is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2)

Life’s greatest commitment is the one a person makes to follow Jesus, make it your priority.