Obsessing Over the Roman Empire?


It has come to my attention that American men are thinking more about the Roman Empire these days than about sex. Wait…what? A brief dive into current social media revealed that this is actually true. Reporting for TIME, Olivia Waxman said, “Women are posting videos of themselves asking the men in their lives how often they think about the Roman Empire and expressing shock as these boyfriends and husbands say they think about the Roman world all the time.”

Mary Beard, historian of ancient Rome, links this fascination with men’s “macho fantasies” of power, terror, and glamour associated with the Roman lifestyle. Historian Tom Holland compares it with little boys’ fascination with dinosaurs. Like dinosaurs, the empire was powerful, dangerous, even exotic but also extinct and therefore can be safely indulged. Says Holland, “It provides scope for people to ponder things that are thrilling, but at a safe distance.”

Another reason suggested for this Roman obsession is said to be Rome’s ambiguity toward sexual and gender roles. Judith Hallett, a professor at the University of Maryland, describes Rome as “a place where there were many different definitions of masculinity.” In the first century, emperor Nero reportedly married a man, had him castrated and paraded him publicly dressed as empress.

Mason Rutledge, president of New Canaan Society, wonders if this pondering about Rome reflects a concern for our own country. [You can check out his brief video about this here.] It’s well known that the two civilizations are often compared, and that Rome holds similarities with America. The New York Times recently published an article comparing the U.S. to the decline of Rome.

Having read Holland’s amazing “Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic” I can honestly say I have not since fixated on the empire at all. I read the book because it was recommended by a good friend. But then, I must admit that I loved the movie Gladiator which won the Oscar for best picture in 2000. So, it could very well be that this is nothing more than social media generated hype.

As Christians, and particularly Christian men, we should be obsessing over the kingdom of God; the kingdom that turned the Roman world upside down. (see Acts 17:6) Our Lord's reign in this present world is one of humility and love, one that seeks not to be served but to serve. In his kingdom the last shall be first and the first last. And unlike the Roman Empire, the kingdom of our Lord will never fall but go on forever. Shouldn’t we fixate on that?

His kingdom is forever and ever. Fixating on being citizens of the greatest kingdom ever.