Sermon Redux: Bible Baptism


When it comes to baptism, there are two basic problems facing the church:

    People in the church who have been baptized outwardly but not truly converted inwardly.
    People in the church who are truly converted inwardly but not baptized outwardly.

Many professing Christians are ignorant about the Bible's teaching on baptism, while others tend to minimalize its importance and relevance to their lives. If any of the above describes you, consider the following truths about baptism that are clearly taught in Scripture.

1. Baptism was commanded by Jesus.

Jesus began His public ministry by being baptized and ended His public ministry by commanding believers to be baptized. Before His ascension, our Lord claimed to possess all authority and then commissioned His followers to go into the whole world and make disciples, baptize them, and then teach all that He had commanded. The thought of becoming a Christian apart from baptism was alien to the mentality of the early church and Biblical Christianity through the centuries.

2. Baptism identifies you with Jesus.

If you’re married, you wear a ring on your left hand that identifies you with a spouse. What would your wife say if you told her you decided not to wear your wedding band? In a similar way, baptism identifies you with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection. A wedding ring doesn’t make you married but simply openly identifies you as a married person.

Baptism doesn’t make you a Christian but openly identifies you as a follower of Jesus. It’s a visible expression of a spiritual union with Jesus. It represents that you died with Christ, buried with Him, and raised with Him to walk in a brand new life (see Romans 6:4-7 and 1 Corinthians 5:17).

3. Baptism is step one toward spiritual maturity.

Sometimes people think they need to understand more about the Bible before taking the step of baptism. However, the best way to understand the scriptures you don’t understand is by obeying the scriptures that you do understand. Jesus said, “To him who has, more shall be given.” (Matthew 13:12) You grow through obedience to God’s Word and not just knowing what it says.

Do you know Jesus? Have you ever come to see yourself as a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness? Has there been a time in your life when you personally trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior, surrendering your life to follow Him? You may be one of those who think you’re a Christian by virtue of your water baptism, whether sprinkling, immersion, pouring (whatever mode). You need to understand that the Bible restricts baptism to those who have repented of sin and placed their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Or, are you one of those who have trusted in Christ as Lord and Savior but have yet to be baptized because you’ve been led to think it’s not really important or relevant to your life, or that you feel you need to learn more? I encourage you to consider these three truths and take the plunge because it really is the first step toward spiritual growth and maturity.

Consider these three truths in taking the next steps in your spiritual growth.