Maintaining Church Unity


My sermon last Sunday was on Christian unity. Ephesians 4 begins the second major section of Paul’s letter where he applies the great theological truths expounded in the first 3 chapters. This is typical Pauline style; doctrine before duty. He’s saying that considering God’s sovereign work of grace in calling us to salvation, we should live a life worthy of that calling. The word “worthy” in (Ephesians 4:1) is the basis of our English word “axiomatic” which refers to that which is obvious or self-evident. In other words, living a life worthy of the grace we have received should be obvious to every Christian.

Paul begins the application with an appeal to unity. While I am deeply grateful for the unity of our church, I know that we are not perfect and that there have been and will be times when we struggle to “maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3) In order to do that we need to remember three great truths about church unity.

1. It Begins with Proper Heart Attitudes

Church unity cannot be forced by regulations or created through organizational structure. You cannot guarantee church unity just because it’s listed as one of the core values of your church. It doesn’t flow from structure but begins in our hearts. The first attitude mentioned by the apostle is humility. This is where all unity begins. Humility is the soil from which all other Christian graces spring. The Bible says clearly that “only by pride comes contention.” That being true, it follows that only through humility comes unity.

Our souls are so flawed, our natures so corrupted by sin, that we can never fully know our own hearts. For it is that moment when we start to feel humble that pride begins to tighten its grip. When we receive recognition for something offered in Christ’s service and indulge a slight feeling of self-contentment, it is then that Satan whispers in our ears.

The other two attitudes Paul mentions are gentleness and patience which flow from a humble heart. Gentleness is strength under control. It is that quality that restrains and keeps us from reacting when it’s within our power to do so. Patience is simply making allowances for the failures and short-comings of others.

The bottom line is always Christ. Not I, but Christ whose example points the way to true unity. Jesus “humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” We need to be careful because ego is always there, lurking to take some crumb off the table of grace as if we, in some small way, deserve it. Therefore, unity begins with humility that produces gentleness and patience.

2. It’s Based on Sound Theology

Christian unity is never a peace at any price proposition. And when it comes to the Christian life, ethics are inseparably linked to theology. Proper Christian attitudes and conduct flow out of a proper understanding of biblical theology. In (Ephesians 4:4-6) Paul presents the trinitarian creed which expresses the perfect unity within the Godhead. He states that there is one body, the church, by which we are placed by the Holy Spirit who is the seal of our hope. Then there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, one body of truth that in centered in the person of our Lord Jesus, and one baptism by which believers publicly identify with his death, burial, and resurrection. Finally, there is one Father, sovereign, transcendent, immanent, rules over all and works all things after the counsel of his will. Compromising fundamental truths for the sake of unity always results in unholy alliances. When churches or denominations set aside the true gospel in search of theological common ground it creates an unhealthy theological minimalism.

Christian unity is never a peace at any price proposition.

To quote A.W. Tozer: “The wheat grows with the tares, but shall the two cross-pollinate? The sheep graze near the goats, but shall they seek to interbreed? The unjust and the just enjoy the same rain and sunshine, but shall the forget their deep moral differences and intermarry? Truth is slain to provide a feast to celebrate the marriage of heaven and hell, and all to support a concept of unity which has no basis in the Word of God.”

Unity in the church must be safeguarded by the teaching and preaching of sound doctrine.

3. It’s a Pleasing Aroma to God.

Finally, unity within the local church body is a source of great blessing. It blesses us, and it blesses God. “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.” Psalm 133:1 David compares unity to the holy anointing oil poured over Aaron’s head that flowed down his beard onto the collar of his high priestly robe. Thus anointed, he would venture into the Holy of Holies to offer atonement for the people and the wonderful fragrance of that concoction would ascend to God as a “pleasing aroma” to him. The point David makes in (Psalm 133) is that unity among God’s people is like perfume and “smells” good to him.

Paul’s challenge for you and me to make every effort to guard the unity of the Spirit is threefold. First, humbling ourselves before God, counting others more significant than ourselves. (Philippians 2:3) Second, striving together for the faith of the gospel, realizing doctrine must take priority over personal preferences. And then, remembering that unity is a sweet-smelling fragrance to God. It pleases him, blesses us, and enhances our witness before the world.

Unity is only as real as our walk with Christ