Reflection on Affliction


I’ve been ill for most the of month of September, and even as I write, I’m yet under the weather. Twice I’ve fallen sick at the worst possible times. The first happened in the middle of a trip of a lifetime to Scotland with my son, and the second while on vacation at the beach. I can honestly say this month will be remembered for great trips and miserable ones and both at the same time.

We all know how it feels to be afflicted with illness and some more than others. The duration of my own illness has given me pause to reflect on a few things that I thought I would share in order to encourage you the next time you’re down for the count.

First, sickness reminds us that we are all fallen creatures living in a broken world. Tiny microorganisms can wreak havoc on our health, and they are no respecter of persons. The good and the bad suffer alike. These physical maladies point to a deeper and more dangerous spiritual condition. Jesus, the Great Physician, came into the world as a healer of sickness and disease to demonstrate our need for spiritual healing.

How tragic it would be if we never felt the pain and discomfort brought on by sickness. If we never felt the fever, the aches, or the pain we’d never go to the doctor or seek treatment, and those viruses or bacteria would eventually overwhelm and kill us. In similar fashion God mercifully allows us to experience inner pain so that we might feel our need of him. That emptiness, despair, fear, or emotional trauma is heaven’s diagnosis of the spiritual cancer eating away at your soul.

Second, sickness can be God’s chastening in a person’s life. Sin in the life of a Christian can lead to physical suffering. This is not always the case, but we know that happened in Corinth. The Apostle Paul told believers there that because of their abuse of the Lord’s Table many were sick, and some had even died. In Revelation 2, the Lord threatened to cast a false teacher into a sickbed because she refused to repent. In Psalm 38 (NLT) David cried out, “Because of your anger my whole body is sick, …a raging fever burns within me, …and my health is broken,… but I confess my sin and am deeply sorry for what I have done.”

The Holy Spirit will not administer his correction without conviction. I’ve had Christians tell me they knew exactly why a certain illness had befallen them. Physical illness may very well be God’s wake up call to an erring Christian. Hopefully, like David, it will lead to repentance and confession and restoration of fellowship with Christ.

Finally, sickness may be a means of glorifying God. Paul was given a “thorn in the flesh” and three times he begged the Lord to remove it. His request was denied with this explanation, “and He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) God will allow a handicap, an illness, or even tragedy in a believer’s life so that his power can be manifested through it. I think of Joni Eareckson Tada and how a devastating injury that left her paralyzed from the neck down has been mightily used by God.

I’m still physically sick and look forward to getting better. However, I rejoice in the goodness of God and know the peace of one healed in heart by the touch of Jesus. Additionally, I welcome the opportunity for self-examination, and am grateful for the grace that sustains and the wisdom that always knows what’s best for us.

Reflections to encourage you when you're down for the count.