a word from the pastor

Numbering Your Days

As a part of our worship, our church focuses on a Psalm each month, combining it with a song to reinforce the truth of it in our minds. In March, we’re reciting Psalm 90, a prayer of Moses in which he recounts the brevity of life and encourages us to “number our days that we may gain a heart of w...
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Reflection on Affliction

I’ve been ill for most the of month of September, and even as I write, I’m yet under the weather. Twice I’ve fallen sick at the worst possible times. The first happened in the middle of a trip of a lifetime to Scotland with my son, and the second while on vacation at the beach. I can honestly say...
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Turning 70

Whenever I register for something online where date of birth is required, scrolling down the list of years actually seems like they go by that quickly. When I was young, 70 seemed ancient, but with better information, better health care, and preventive medicine, that perspective has changed. For ...
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Just What the Doctor Ordered

The expression “just what the doctor ordered” means that you got exactly what you needed. Sadly, most people don’t do what the doctor ordered. It’s been reported that 90 percent of all patients fail to finish their round of antibiotics, enabling bacteria to mutate into more resistant forms. Th...
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Getting Your Heart in Shape

Spring is near! This Saturday, the vernal equinox will mark the end of winter and beginning of spring. I was stoked last week to see a robin and now anxiously await budding daffodils. Warmer weather also provides more opportunities to get outside and be more active. Gentlemen, what this means ...
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A Belly Full of Hay

I’m beginning to wonder if it’s possible to be an atheist. Maybe I just don’t believe they exist. I mean, we’re worshiping creatures, right? So, for example, if a man lives for personal wealth and says he doesn’t believe in God, he’s not really an atheist, he’s a materialist. Money has become a g...
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Keeping Fit

Why every man should take care of his body. Why every man should take care of his body. Seven years ago, my doctor warned me about a particular heart condition and scolded me for not taking care of myself. Something he said about the “widow-maker” got my attention. Anyway, not long after th...
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