I woke up this morning to an astounding discovery: God had given me another day! Admittedly, I don’t usually recognize this amazing gift, but lately I’ve been giving thought to living within the moment. You know, the “carpe diem,” approach to life; seize the day! I’m talking about striking while ...
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In a recent article in Christianity Today, Griffin Paul Jackson states that the largest mission field in Europe is made up of those who “call themselves Christians but exhibit few, if any, signs of faith.” They are what we call “nominal Christians,” whose faith doesn’t go beyond being identified ...
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My second trip to Israel turned out to be better than I had expected. Judith and I first journey to Israel in March of 2000, the same week Pope John Paul was there and whose presence affected our itinerary more than once. I mean, who knew that one man could shut down the Mount of Olives? Anyway, ...
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On numerous occasions I’ve told parents that children come with promises but not with guarantees. Inevitably, every person must come to embrace faith in Christ on their own. Kids may question what they believe and what their parents taught them, and at some point, must decide whether “mom and dad...
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I was on vacation last week in Emerald Isle, North Carolina, where hurricane Florence wreaked havoc in slow-motion destruction. We were notified by local authorities of a mandatory evacuation and that people needed to be off the island by 8 p.m. on Wednesday. At that time, the causeway would be c...
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The Doctrine
One thing made clear in Scripture is that this present world is under a curse brought about by man’s sin against God. When Adam chose to sin, the creation itself was “subjected to futility” and now yearns for freedom from its “bondage to corruption.” (Romans 8:20-21) The curse bro...
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In the past, the LGBTQ community has insisted that homosexuals are born gay. In other words, it was not something they chose but rather it’s who they are. Some even proclaim that God made them that way. This idea seems to have served two purposes; avoiding personal responsibility and gaining poli...
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When faced with a difficult decision, it is often difficult to know what the Lord would have you do. As I pointed out in my last post, you cannot be guided by impressions alone. Remember, the impressions we experience may be prompted by our own deceitful flesh, they may be influenced by evil spir...
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How do we discern the will of God and what role, if any, do impressions play regarding God’s will for our lives? These questions have baffled many Christians over the years and unfortunately, continue to do so. Suppose you’re faced with a decision that will greatly impact the course of your life,...
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For you Marvel comic fans, this warning is instantly recognizable as the catchphrase of Bruce Banner before he transforms into the Incredible Hulk. Unfortunately, when you and I get angry, we can’t blame over-exposure to gamma radiation for the outburst that follows. The root of the outburst is a...
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