a word from the pastor

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

The first nine chapters of Proverbs are basically a challenge to pursue wisdom, the key that unlocks the door to every problem we face in life. The wings of wisdom will lift you above the burdens that often weigh us down. It is the compass that keeps us on course when the winds of adversity blow....
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Tried and Purified

One of the things that makes us unique is our experiences. All the particular events that have transpired in our lives up until this very moment have helped to mold who we are as individuals. As Christians, we believe that God has providentially superintended our experiences in order to fulfill h...
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Turning 70

Whenever I register for something online where date of birth is required, scrolling down the list of years actually seems like they go by that quickly. When I was young, 70 seemed ancient, but with better information, better health care, and preventive medicine, that perspective has changed. For ...
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In Our Own Eyes

All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirit. Proverbs 16:2 Since human nature hasn’t changed at all in the last 3,000 years since Solomon penned these words, they remain as relevant as ever. A biblical worldview holds that God made man in his image (Gen 1:27)...
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Man on Fire

Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. (Acts 2:3 NLT) There is nothing that sets the Christian apart from this world more than this amazing truth that God indwells him. It's also amazing because God's presence in the Old Testament often appeared ...
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Are You Making God Jealous?

One emotion we don’t normally associate with God is jealousy. Yet, the Bible clearly describes him in this way (see Exodus 20:3,5 and James 4:5). In fact, many people have found this idea offensive, even disturbing. Brad Pitt was raised a conservative Southern Baptist, but in a 2007 interview in ...
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A Meaningful Life

Somewhere down the Appian Way, just outside the city of Rome, some two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul was martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. Shortly before his death, he had written to Timothy, his young protégé in the gospel, stating that he had fought a good fight, he had finished hi...
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Tiger Woods' Third Act

On Sunday, I was glued to the television to see if Tiger Woods would complete one of the greatest comeback stories in all of sports. He did. Being a duffer on the golf course (I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been in the high 70’s), I know a bit of what it takes to do what he d...
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