a word from the pastor

The Symptoms of Servanthood

Bernard of Clair Vaux once said, “Learn the lesson that, if you are to do the work of a servant, what you need is not a scepter but a hoe.” The symbolism should be obvious: A scepter is all about ruling and having others serve you. A hoe is about humbly working for the benefit of others. To anyon...
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Calling Men to Invest in Our Most Precious Assets

The innovative ideas of John Wanamaker, commonly known as the father of modern advertisement, continue to influence business practices today—even though he died in 1922. Wanamaker is credited with creating the department store and served as Postmaster General under President Benjamin Harrison. Bu...
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A Few Thoughts on Singleness

Corinth was the Las Vegas of its day, a virtual “sin city” devoted to fleshly indulgence. The NIV Study Bible notes, “So widely known did the immorality of Corinth become that the Greek verb ‘to Corinthianize’ came to mean ‘to practice sexual immorality.’” The temptations confronting believers in...
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