Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
Modern culture has made biblical discipline taboo. Even many Christians consider corporal punishment as some kind of sick leftover from the Dark Ages. Though the Bible...
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The best way to prepare for your day is to start with time spent with the Lord, in his Word and in prayer. But even this requires preparation--preparation of the heart. Now, I’m assuming every mature believer is in the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer. If you don’t practice this, it’s time...
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It’s no random coincidence that James, writing to believers experiencing hardships and trials, follows with an exhortation to hear God’s Word. God often uses hard times to get our attention. C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains.”...
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One of the great battlegrounds in a man’s life is his thought life. It’s one of those common areas in which all of us struggle. Living in a secular age, with its selfishness and salaciousness, makes the challenge even greater. And it’s wrong to suppose that thoughts are not sinful and it’s okay...
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One of the more challenging aspects of parenting is navigating the stages of childhood development. It is often difficult to know how much freedom, knowledge, and discipline to give them as they grow older.
Start with concrete rules and choices
Little children require more concrete rules an...
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