a word from the pastor

A Friend of God

I recently brought a message from John 15 where Jesus referred to his disciples as friends. Afterwards someone mentioned to me that they had always had a difficult time thinking of God in terms of friendship. To them it seemed too casual. Indeed, perceiving God in superficial ways is definitely s...
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Restoring an Erring Brother

What would you do if you discovered that a brother in Christ was involved in some kind of sinful practice? Or if you witnessed him in some kind of compromising position? Men often avoid confronting an erring brother even though the Bible makes it clear that it’s our responsibility to do so. Guys ...
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You Need More Friends

Over the years, I have observed that men who attend a church without making at least one meaningful relationship will eventually disappear. They slip through the cracks, and only after they’ve vanished will people notice and ask, “what happened to what’s his name?” “What happened” is actually ...
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Making Accountability Work

If you’ve ever attended an event for Christian men, you’ve most likely heard about the importance of accountability. If you’re like me, you’ve also thought, “that’s not going to happen.” Many men are very skeptical about accountability because we don’t like being vulnerable. Accountability is int...
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Tribute to My Friend

Losing a close friend cuts two ways: you have to say goodbye to someone you loved, and you have to say goodbye to someone who loved you. Last week, a dear personal friend of some 26 years abruptly left this world before his time. I’m left with many precious memories that I will treasure until my ...
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Without Christ, a true friend is indeed hard to find

Being created by a triune God and in his image means that we are social beings who crave relationships. From eternity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been loving and delighting in each other. (John 17:24) However, because we are fallen creatures (Genesis 3), we are inherently self-inter...
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This Is No Time To Be A Lone Ranger

Christian men find themselves living in “perilous times.” (cf. 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Whether you realize it or not, there is a fierce battle raging all around you and the stakes could not be higher. Like never before, the enemy of our souls is waging war against men, the home, and the church. For exam...
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